Governor George Natembeya Development Progress


Trans Nzoia people are satisfied with Governor Natembeya's Development Progress.

It is said that the true mark of leadership is to change people's lives for the better. A visionary leadership is one that advocates for the people's progress irrespective of how they voted.

Governor Natembeya's administration has in many ways lived up to these expectations thus far. Testament to this is the fact that the Governor and his administration have received positive mentions nationally on numerous occasions and have been cited among the top in development progress. 

Natembeya administration has brought sobriety in the running of the county affairs, where there was none in the previous regime. It has brought transparency and accountability in the use of public resources, where there was none in the past. It has brought the much needed calmness and peace among county government employees who are the engine of progress at the county level.
These, among others, are the reasons why a majority of Trans Nzoia County residents have rekindled their hopes and confidence in the running of the County Government, hope that in the past had died as the previous regime vandalized the County in every conceivable way and became immune to advice and wise counsel.

In the prevailing circumstances, every department of the county government is working at its optimum to live up to Governor Natembeya's agenda of transforming the county and leaving it a better place than he found it. This is the governor's focus, and he won't be distracted.

Unlike in the past, when the county staff had been reduced to beggars and mere bystanders, the workforce is now rejuvenated and motivated to execute their duties. 

The development trajectory in the county is positive. This is why the Governor and his administration is receiving positive reviews and remarks from different quarters; the political class, the clergy, women, youth and everyone who means well for this County that had at one time been battered to the ground by cartels and bandits. 

It is also worthy to note the doctrine of separation of powers that exists between the two arms of the County Government; the County Executive, and the County Assembly. 

While the two arms are independent, it is also important to note that they are inter-dependent, that is to say, none can function optimally without the other.

Governor Natembeya, as the head of the county government, has established a good and respectable working relationship with the County Assembly under a partnership that is solely meant to serve the people.
We wish to applaud the MCAs and the institution of the County Assembly for opting to be partners in development. Unlike in the past where MCAs were being herded to Mombasa as the County sunk into depravity, the current Governor has opted to engage the MCAs and their leadership led by Speaker Wanyonyi in a structured and sober manner for purposes of realizing tangible development at the grassroots. 
Needless to say, Governor Natembeya has a respectable working relationship with all the other elected leaders in the county. This in itself brings stability in the county. 
However, it is not lost on anyone that agents of doom are desperately trying to regroup and cast aspersions on the current leadership. Their vampirish hate campaign, which lacks facts but is founded on raw injured emotions, is only meant to bring hope to their fallen masters who have already been politically killed and buried by Trans Nzoia voters.

Their fear is that if Natembeya walks the solid development path, he is walking till the end. They stand no chance of making a re-entry in Trans Nzoia politics.

Sadly for them, Trans Nzoia residents in their wholesomeness have made a resolution to support Governor Natembeya and his administration to actualize the Trans Nzoia Promise - which is about bringing positive change to the people's lives without discrimination.

This administration has been lauded for serving all people in all corners of the county without looking at their voting patterns. This has made the governor earn admiration and support even from sections that supported his competitors in the last elections. 

What is without a doubt is the fact that Governor Natembeya is a meticulous planner and a zealous executioner. He is a visionary leader who has breathed life into a once dead Trans-Nzoia. The governor has no plan to fail the county. Because he won't. 

And that's the way it is.
 By Tuma Kwa Hii Number


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