Women constitute more than half of the country’s population.Their potential contribution to the economy is therefore enormous. Gender equality and empowerment have received increased attention in recent years.Despite a progressive Constitution that promotes gender equality and women’s empowerment,gender equality remains elusive.
Azimio la Kina Mama will focus on the true multipliers of wealth in our community- our women. The programme will unlock access to financing for women-led businesses and provide support for women on other enabling factors such as access to assets for production, land tenure and proportional representation at all levels of government. Address the plight of widows and single mothers through financial literacy programs,
reduction in the cost of healthcare and education and offering support services to help cushion them from the hardships of their losses.Interventions will include:Progressively aiming for gender parity in appointments, and at the very least adhering to the ‘two-third gender’ rule. Appointing women to Improving access to government guaranteed
funds and affordable credit to women. Enforce the ‘not more than one third gender rule’ in elective or appointive bodies as provided for in the Constitution with the
view to achieving gender parity. Enhance capacity of young women in entrepreneurship, credit management,financial management, digital skills, mentorship,marketing and record keeping. Increase the uptake of
TVET by young women in informal settlements and rural areas. Facilitate local manufacture of sanitary towels for
school going girls and ensure that every public school is provided with sanitary towels. Establish incubation centers for businesses targeting women in rural areas.
Koli and Khaoya Presidential chief Compaigner Mashinani interactions 


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