Kenyans Protest High Cost of Living as 2Kg Packet of Unga Hits Record KSh 200 Friday June 2022

 Kenyans Protest High Cost of Living as 2Kg Packet of Unga Hits Record KSh 200 Friday, June 17, 2022 at 3:00 PM. The cost of basic commodities, including cooking oil, maize flour, wheat flour and sugar, has doubled in recent weeks, putting pressure on households The increase in fuel prices has seen Kenyans spend more on transport commuting from one place to another, even as matatu operators announced a countrywide fare hike Netizens claimed the crisis resulted from rampant corruption and mismanagement of government by leaders who promised to improve their lives. Kenyans are up in arms over the high cost of living, which has reached an unprecedented level. Kenyans want the prices of basic commodities lowered.Source Twitter The cost of basic commodities including cooking oil, maize flour, wheat flour and sugar has doubled in recent weeks, putting pressure on households struggling to make ends meet.A litre of cooking oil now costs an average of KSh 407, up from KSh 350 in April. Maize and wheat flour prices have increased to KSh 200 per 2kg packet, meaning it's now more expensive to put ugali and chapati on the table.


  1. This is inhuman.No food no vote

  2. Kenyans we are being fooled to either vote in Ruto or Raila where else we know very well that they can not deliver instead, they will hike every commodity since they have no idea of generating income to this country. On the other hand we tend to demonize the God sent leader. HE Prof George Luchiri WAJACKOYAH. WAJACKOYAH THE 5 th is the rightful heir of the Kenyan presidential office.

    1. Wajackoyah seems to be true and wise leader that Kenyans need


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