Choose peace as campaigns end The 2007 election taught us we also have control. We can choose peace in spite of any outcome.

On Saturday 6th August, all candidates will hold their last public rallies in the final push for your vote.

Unlike previous general elections, this year’s campaign period was markedly peaceful.

But it is never over until the fat lady sings. We still have several days until August 9. After that, we have many days before the results of the presidential election are announced.

The 2007 election taught us anything can happen anytime. Any outcome is possible.

But that election taught us we also have control. We can choose peace in an unexpected outcome.
This Saturday, the main political alliances will hold their last national rallies in Nairobi – Azimio la Umoja at Kasarani and Kenya Kwanza at Nyayo Stadium. There will also be other large gatherings in the counties.

We urge you to respect the diversity of opinion. Democracy means you can't force another person to share an opinion. You can merely cajole to win them.

In any bad situation, you can always make the choice to walk away. Make your point if you have to, but don't give in to a potentially violent or hateful response.

We also insist that all public institutions must conduct their responsibilities with diligence, and transparency and comply with Kenya’s Constitution and the country’s international obligations and commitments for democratic elections.

Quote of the Day:Come friends, it's not too late to seek a newer world


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