Matiang'i's Goodbye Letter as he breaks silence on Aug. 9 presidential polls
Interior Cabinet Secretary (CS) Fred Matiang’i has penned a farewell letter to Kenyans after serving in various ministries in President Uhuru Kenyatta’s administration.

In the1,063-word letter, the minister said he achieved in the ministries that he steered throughout Kenyatta’s presidency.

Matiang’i also denied involvement in attempts to manipulate the August 9, 2022 presidential election in favour of Raila Odinga, who was President Kenyatta’s preferred candidate.
Dear colleagues,

“I humbly address this letter to you, and through you, to the rest of our colleagues who serve with you in your respective jurisdictions.

“In the life of a man, there is nothing nobler than being called to serve your country. I came to this Ministry on Saturday, 15th July 2017, at 12.50 p.m., following the demise of Major General (Rtd) Joseph Nkaiserry (may his soul continue resting in peace).

“It has been five years and a month of an exciting tour of duty and pleasurable service to our beloved country under the great leadership of His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta. I want to thank him for bestowing his trust in me. I am humbled by the privilege to serve in his Cabinet in four different ministries over the entirety of his tenure. I can never thank him enough for this honour.

“At this Ministry, we have collectively strived to deliver service to our citizens. We have done this while improving the welfare of the gallant men and women in the security sector. This has been extended to other sectors that play vital roles in the day-to-day running of the government.

“As my tour of duty comes to an end. I exult in the pride of knowing that we have not only honoured expectations but exceeded them by important and evident milestones. History will vindicate our legacy. This has been made possible by working closely with you and other highly experienced, competent and dedicated colleagues in the Public Service.

“I will be eternally grateful to Principal Secretaries Dr. (Eng.) Karanja Kibicho (Interior), and Ms. Zeinab Hussein and Ms. Safina Kwekwe (Correctional Services), the two Inspectors General of Police I worked with: Mr. Joseph Boinnet, and Mr. Hilary Mutyambai, Commissioners General of Prisons: Mr. Isaiah Osugo, Mr. Wycliffe Ogallo and Brig (Rtd) John Warioba and their highly skilled and patriotic cadre. In their counsel that I often sought, I found a reliable inspiration for important decisions and actions around policy, strategy and the implementation of the same.

“These men and women have rightfully earned their salutation for shepherding far-reaching reforms in our security institutions. Notable among these is the recruitment of more police and National Government Administration Officers (NGA0s), availing of better and more resources and provisions for clearly defined career growth paths.

“In my visits across the country, I have been humbled by the manifest dedication to duty by our colleagues across the public service spectrum. They are the unsung heroes who sacrifice their comfort to afford the rest of us the peace to go about our businesses. It is my personal conviction that we have spared no effort to imbue our officers with the pride of working for their beloved nation. We must celebrate the fact that out of our efforts, security in our country is at its strongest.

“From our concerted efforts, the triple threats of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), teenage pregnancies and sexual violence that plague our girls have been tamed to an all-time low. Transitions to the next level of learning for our children are at record highs. Important improvements in service delivery of essential services domiciled in the Ministry such as issuance of birth and death certificates, IDs, passports and motor vehicle registration have been realised.

“Kenyans now get these services within reduced time and at more locations across the country obviating the need for expensive and time-wasting travel.

“Our multi-agency approach to security and the war against terrorism, extremism and organized crime has borne evident fruits. The number of tenor attacks have reduced dramatically. Our towns are safer and open to business for longer hours. Visitors can now travel to all parts of our country free of fear. Calm now prevails in many places where conflicts were rampant. Overall, we now have a more secure country to bring up our children and to pursue our private interests.

“I had the privilege to see, first-hand, the sacrifices being made by our brothers and sisters in all the special formations and teams in our National Police Service, Coast Guard and Kenya Prisons Services. While they are sometimes criticised, the safety we all enjoy is borne out of their sacrifices. I owe them a debt of gratitude. And I salute them!

“As a front row witness to your many sacrifices, I will carry with me indelible memories of your valour. I pray to the Lord to continue granting you his mercies and the requisite fortitude. May you find joy and satisfaction in knowing you give your all to your beloved country. May you never falter in your patriotic call to duty that makes the burden of duty bearable. May you find satisfaction in knowing that many are those who silently appreciate the loud achievements of your efforts.

“From our frequent and long interactions, I have forged strong professional bonds and made many personal friends. These shall not be erased or affected by anything. I exit Harambee House richer from shared knowledge of public institutions and a valuable contact base of men and women whose wealth of training and exposure has given me a renewed sense of purpose.

“The dawn of a new administration is at hand. I invite you to take deserved pride in your role as security providers for supporting the delivery of the most peaceful election in Kenya's history. Despite immense criticism, scorn and false accusations of scheming to manipulate and interfere with the General Election, our sector put up a stellar and professional performance in supporting the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to conduct the General Election. This has been lauded by election observers and Kenya's Development Partners.

“The just-concluded Presidential petitions and the subsequent ruling did not indict our expansive team across the country in any wrongdoing. This affirms our collective professionalism and due diligence to duty. Equally, it is my conviction that those tasked with facilitating the smooth transition to the next administration will exhibit similar professionalism.

“The hallmark of our sector is consistent service and loyalty to the government of the day. As a new administration takes office, may you continue with the same principles, as you continue to deliver quality services to our citizens.

“May the Lord Almighty keep you safe and guard you as you keep all of us safe. May the Lord Almighty strengthen your hands for the good work ahead. May the Lord always, always bless our country Kenya.”


  1. My humble able Cabinet Secretary. God bless you abundantly. And God bless Uhuru Kenyatta most Abundantly!


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